Friday, January 7, 2011

thrift shop finds!

Six elegant glasses for the the dessert buffet.. maybe a mini trifle in each one? Angel food cake, strawberries, and whipped cream? next, is the photo of the menu chalkboard I have yet to paint creamy white.. the frame is from a thrift shop..hobby lobby put in the chalkboard.. and the stand is from garden ridge.. i'll post a photo of the menu after I motivate myself to paint it...


  1. how much did hobby lobby charge to frame the chalkboard? or did it not matter since you had your own frame?

  2. its not heavy chalkboard material.. it was a chalkboard at hobby lobby that had a plane frame around it.. like an office supply kind.. they popped it out.. cut it and put it in the gold frame.. so around $10 for the chalkboard and around $10 to put it in the frame
