Monday, January 10, 2011

one thing finally accomplished...

For 60 cards w/ envelopes from a popular invitations website it would have cost me roughly $100.00 including taxes and standard shipping. I originally wanted to order these but having a tight budget, we made the decision to make them ourselves.

Thomas and I created a similar design in photoshop last night.. added in the photo we edited taken by his dad in front of our old high school.. then today, we made a trip in the snow to fedex office..

We calculated that it would be cheaper to use 11 x 17 glossy paper and fit six on a page, than the 8.5 x 11 paper. Then we cut the cards at the store (snow still falling outside : ) ..and voila! Save the dates for $30..saving me a grand total of $60... I had wanted to get them done by this website because it would look professionally printed, designed, etc... but after much procrastinating and calculating.. we made them ourselves..saved some money that can be used for postage...and I think they turned out really nice..