So my idea was to have guests (on the back patio of the golf clubhouse) mingle and watch the bridal party take photos on the golf course.. i saw photos of the paper cones out of sheet music online.. saw that others had used them for petals, etc. Then I found the popcorn co. here nearby.. I went in and free sampled practically every variety.. I decided on three flavors.. cajun (orange and spicy), kettle corn (yellow and sweet and salty), and bubble gum (teal! and sweet).. love the teal blue color of the bubble gum..and that was actually my favorite pick from the whole store.. different and unexpected and the color will make the photos pop... so the popcorn is going to be in galvenized buckets (if i can find some that aren't too shiny..atwoods has some but tooo shiny now i think)..and mini chalkboards attached to label them (bought at michaels).. and guests will fill their cones with the popcorn.. i'll have some pre filled in these old wood coke bottle crates i found!!! excited about these.. I have two and they were $5! .. So then I was on stylemepretty blog and I found the idea I had in my mind! minus the wagon wheel cart..lol The cones are all made now..working on tags for the mason jars for the pink lemonade.. ordering the pink and white straws today too!
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