Sunday, January 30, 2011

dessert table

I debated back and forth over including a candy buffet at the reception. My reasoning was I'd seen it too much.. But all in all if I can manage to make it look good..I'll be happy..I've seen many non-tacky dessert buffets on blogs that I do like..I think the main thing is keeping within the color scheme..otherwise it looks like a kids birthday party..I like the idea of giving the guests something extra to do.. So I'm calling it a dessert buffet instead of just candy...Pink and white far i've found some pink whoppers, pink heart marshmallows, rock candy swizzle sticks, cream filled horn pastries, white powdered donuts in mini pink cupcake liners, mini strawberry cake rolls, croquembouche made out of donut holes and powdered sugar, mini cupcakes.. I finally found and inexpensive apothecary jar ($10 at Ross!)..and 2 extra vases..the rest of the containers and cake stands I already had had.. the other thing I don't like besides circus color schemes.. is when ppl feel the need to label every single a embellished sign that says "pink jellybeans" around a glass container containing pink jellybeans.. i mean isn't it obvious? I'm all about labeling and signage.. I think labeling is more appropriate for some kind of unknown truffle or flavored cupcakes.. I'm planning on slight use of labeling so not to overdo it.. so photos above are from a rough mock-up of what my dessert table is going to look like.. keep in mind that the table cloths, coverings, flowers, will be different.. and the pink petals i used to get a visual of what pink would look like for the glassware.. I'm getting more silver scoops and also plan separate a heart measuring spoon kit I was given.. the spoons say "a dash of patience" "scoop of love" ..thought it would be fitting.. annd.. guest can either eat the dessert items on clear plates.. or take home candy in small mesh organza bags..

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